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Caffeine is known to stimulate the tear glands.

dry eye syndrome
Dryness of the eye or well known as dry eye syndrome that sometimes occurs in old age often make the sufferer uncomfortable. Dryness, itching, and pain in the eyes, and fatigue is one symptom of this disease.

The researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of Tokyo found that drinking a cup of coffee can treat and reduce eye complaints.


is known to stimulate the production of fluid, such as saliva and gastric juices, as well as stimulate the tear glands. Armed with this knowledge, a team of Japanese scientists experimented with 78 parents to participate. All participants did not have high blood pressure, allergic reactions, dry eye syndrome, glaucoma and other eye diseases.

Citing Genius Beauty, six days before trial, all participants were asked to not take drugs and do not consume caffeine.

When the study, half the participants were given a pill intake of caffeine and placebo. The other half received a placebo and caffeine. Each group measured the amount of tear fluid 45 minutes after taking the pill.

The results showed that dry eye syndrome occurs only in 13 percent of participants who intake first caffeine than placebo. Whereas for the placebo and caffeine intake suffer dry eyes as much as 17 percent.